Solver sorts amounts by row by dragging the Amount measure into the row grouping and setting the sort icon to ascending or descending.
But in a multi-column report, how do you set which column is used for the sorting? This can be controlled by setting the Scenario and Period in the sheet filter. When the sheet Filter is set to This Year (all) and BUD01 Scenario:
Amounts sort by the Annual Plan column:
(The amounts sorted ascending even though descending was selected because these are revenue accounts and the sign is flipped. Change revenue sort to ascending to produce descending results.
Changing the Sheet filter to Year to Date Period and ACT Scenario:
(and changing Amount sort to ascending) And amounts sort by Year to Date Actuals descending:
I was hesitant to put period functions in the sheet filter, fearing they could have unintended effects on other period calculations, but the results of the report remained correct.